Friday, September 21, 2012

FAB mum - Kelli Bodalhansen

Kelli is my next-door neighbour and was my pregnancy buddy when we were both pregnant with our first babies. She was the one with a gorgeous maternity wardrobe, setting the standard for all of us afflicted by the pregnancy epidemic in our street! And now she's at it again - number 2 is due in January.

Kelli's words soon after Henry arrived were "I don't exactly have an easy baby". Bit of an understatement I thought ;)

I'm convinced that Kelli's high-flying career in law prepared her perfectly for her darling baby Henry to decide he hated sleeping. She's a FAB mum. Here's her story.

Kelli: After a rather long and slightly brutal birth, the reward was taking home my beautiful baby boy, Henry. I was shattered from the whole birth "experience" and on top of that Henry thought that sleep was for wimps and so exercise was very far from my mind for the first couple of months.

Eventually (with a lot of encouragement from Katy!) I did get started and amazingly, felt better and more refreshed. I found the local RSM sessions brilliant, not only did it help with motivation (hard to muster after a very broken night's sleep) but there was also a lovely social element - which was great for me, having always played team sports. The other great thing, both about the classes and the programme as a whole, was its flexibility - I could feed Henry in the middle of a class and catch up afterwards or do a few exercises around naps etc at home.

The best thing about getting back in shape after birth? Getting back in my skinny jeans. However one of the other benefits was going on long walks with Henry in the buggy and not being exhausted at the end of them.

Now that number 2 is on its way, I'm intending to stay more active in this pregnancy than I was in the last one and am not as worried about the effect pregnancy will have on my body this time as I know now how to deal with the aftermath!


  1. Great news on your pregnancy Kelli.
    Many congratulations.
    Rhian x

    1. Thanks Rhian! Hope all is good in Australia! x
