Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My mother-in-law from heaven (on our family holiday with 2 under 2)

Relaxed, healthy, happy me! We went on holiday with my mother-in-law last week, and today's blog entry is an ode to Granny Gulistan (GG). The mother-in-law from heaven.

This is an antidote to all those stories about a mother-in-law from hell.

We were staying in a lodge in Robin Hood land, Sherwood Forest. Idyllic surroundings. But with 2 under 2, I was nervous about being able to really appreciate them. So we were delighted when Granny Guli agreed to come with us to help with our "relaxing mission"!

As soon as we arrived, our Volvo estate crammed to the roof with things, GG put the kettle on and changed a poo-ey nappy quick as a flash. Wow! This is the life! And after a (peaceful) cup of tea, we started the unpacking.

While I was busy realising I had brought only one t-shirt and zero socks for myself and wondering whether baby 1 playing "boing" on the sofa was ok... GG calmly unpacked the food and admired the surroundings. She's so generous, calm and kind. (And not a word of "helpful advice" in sight).

And this was how the holiday continued!

"Where are you two out for dinner tonight?" GG asked on the first night. Cool! Romantic dinner, maybe I'll even wear dangly earrings. Then "How about going to see Skyfall when it comes out on Saturday while I look after the boys?". Amazing!.. "Katy, your cooking is really delicious" Seriously? White lies are all good. ... "You two go for a run in the forest this morning while I sort out breakfast". I feel so great!

And as for the babies, they had a ball. Full-on playing with mummy and daddy, who for once were able to chill out and take our time. And fun with GG, who despite being a granny does not exactly act her age.

We had such a great time all together. We all loved walking in the woods. The zoo trip was a big hit all round. And we couldn't believe we didn't get chucked out for taking a 5-month-old baby on the water-chute at the pool.

In summary, even though it's certainly accepted etiquette to complain about one's mother-in-law, I'm pooping out of that one. Mine is truly the mother-in-law from heaven.

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