Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fit Mum Tips - how can I get fit as a new mum?

What are the top most important things to get right if you want to be a fit mum?

Here's my list, selected from the Twitter and Facebook finest since we launched Ready Steady Mums last year.

  • Do something active every day
  • Celebrate what you have done, instead of lamenting what you haven't.
  • Declare you're getting fit, get your supporters on board
  • Talk to other mummies, encourage them even if they don't look like they need it
  • Remind yourself that your body made your baby.  It's amazing.
  • Take photos and measurements now, embrace them as your start-point, and love watching them improve.
  • Say yes to invitations to exercise with other mums
  • Be nice to yourself - sleep, eat , exercise, socialise
  • If something doesn't feel right with your postnatal body, ask a medical professional.
  • Be a positive force on your community, find friends, inspire friends, and be inspired to actively embrace motherhood together
  • Wear 2 bras if you don't have a sports bra
  • Check your buggy handle is level with your belly button
  • Involve your partner in your get fit plan (six-minute six-pack anyone?)
  • Avoid backache, put your changing table higher than you think
  • Give someone a big kiss today

Which ones do you like best?

1 comment:

  1. Some great tips for getting and keeping fit whilst being a Mum. A new one that I learn't from this blog was about checking the height of your buggy handle to the height of your belly button. I shall get everyone at next weeks local RSM session to check the height of theirs'!
